Tag Archives: Feed-in tariffs

How to use Million Dollar Homepage to involve five million people in renewable energy

How do you engage huge numbers of people in clean energy? How do you overcome the negative press that renewables are up against? And how do create an energy-based project that’s genuinely particpatory and has broader social benefits? Those are … Continue reading

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Solar panel price collapse

Just had the odd experience of sitting in a cafĂ© in Paris (first foreign holiday for ages) and the guy next to me opening up the Guardian on my story, filed a few days before, on the collapse of solar … Continue reading

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How long will the feed-in tariff money last?

I posted some analysis on this question on the Guardian site yesterday. Someone in the comments asked if the numbers really added up on Ray Noble’s claim that the FITs budget could get used up entirely within a year or … Continue reading

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Interview with Greg Barker on solar

Just posted this Guardian story on the review of solar feed-in tariffs, for which I did a fairly extensive interview with energy minister Greg Barker. Space was short for the Guardian story, so in case anyone is interested here are … Continue reading

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