Category Archives: Society

Has the UK reached “peak stuff”?

My feature on whether the UK has reached “peak stuff” published in/on the Guardian today. Here are the links: • Main feature: Has the UK reached peak stuff? • Stats and graphics: Peak stuff – the data • Response: Tim Jackson on the … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Food, Resources, Society | Tagged | Leave a comment

Is it ever okay to fly to Scotland?

A friend wrote to me recently, asking the following question: So I want to go and visit my friend in Aberdeen for a weekend. I can take the sleeper, which I would much prefer, but which is far more expensive … Continue reading

Posted in Climate, Emissions, Society | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Four reasons why I caused the riots – and what it all has to do with biodiversity

As I lay awake earlier this week listening to the sound of police helicopters above my Hackney street, I found myself thinking about ecosystems. I’ve been reading a bit about biodiversity recently, and one of the recurring themes is that … Continue reading

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